Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pre-Wedding: Pantelis & Li Yen

From Cyprus to UK and back to Malaysia, the very unlikely love of Pantelis and Li Yen grew into something very likely you'll watch on Friends. Yin and yang, worlds apart, but yet at the same time there are no two peas that would fit in a pod better than these two.

Li Yen's wedding dress was built around her veil, which was the first thing she had her eye on-- beautiful vintage lace detailing that speaks femininity without shouting girly-girl, if you know what I mean heheheh.

While spending time with them, it was evident that Pantelis was the crazier one, always keeping Li Yen (and us) entertained with his silly antics. We hope that as you look through their photos, you'll get the same feeling as us; that they've both graciously opened up a little window for us to peek into their lives together as one :-)

1 comment:

  1. What a small world, I came across your blog from Chiing's website, which I came across via my very good friend in Sabah, Nicholas Chong (perhaps you might know him?)

    I love the photos- and I know where it's shot- its my good friend's home, Azlan.. I think he did mentioned a Cypriot/Greek friend before, but is this guy a mutual friend of yours too? :) His house is very beautifully designed, it's like a mini Al-Hambra. I love the simple and desirable/eye-catching blog layout and design. You are very talented, it's very freshly inspiring. ♥
